Public Events are below. Join Us to participate in monthly Art Mamas Member Events.
We are an online platform for open dialogue in support of Art Mamas Members. This is a safe space for honest conversations.
We believe in the power of stories shared and we invite you to participate however serves you best in the moment.
Art Mamas x Designing Motherhood
Thursday, June 17, 2021 | Art Mamas' Co-Founder Katy Donoghue speaks with Designing Motherhood's Amber Winick & Michelle Millar Fisher (both Art Mamas members!), associate curator Juliana Rowen Barton, as well as Gabriella Nelson and Zoë Greggs of Maternity Care Coalition.
Their brilliant project you probably already follow on Instagram was just written up in the New York Times! You can view the first part of their exhibition now at the Mutter Museum in Philadelphia. It's also a beautiful book.
What do the pregnancy test, the pessary, the at-home abortion kit, the state of family leave, and postpartum mesh undies have in common, and why do designs that matter so much often go so unremarked? The designed objects and systems that surround us when it comes to menstruation, birth control, (contra)conception, pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum vary as oddly, messily, and dramatically as the stereotypes suggest. Designing Motherhood unfolds the compelling design histories and real-world uses of the designs that shape our reproductive experiences. In a book, two-part exhibition, design curriculum, storybanking, and public programming series, this project unfolds the iconic, conceptual, archaic, titillating, emotionally charged, or just plain strange designs that have defined the relationships between people and babies during the past century.
Art Mamas & The Bass present a conversation with Najja Moon
Thursday, April 22, 2021 | Join Najja Moon and Art Mamas Founders Katy Donoghue and Helen Toomer for a conversation about the artist's public project, Your Mommas Voice in the Back of Your Head, currently on view at The Bass in Miami Beach through January 2022. Watch here
Monday, February 15th, 2021 | In the fall of 2020, 865,000 American women left the workforce - four times more than men. Forging a career in the arts has always been a challenge, and with the increased demands of childcare, family responsibilities, a lack of social and societal support, and the physical and mental stressors of this uncertain climate, many women in the sector are finding themselves stretched beyond their limits this year.
POWarts and Art Mamas Alliance present an informal discussion led by artist Sophie Kahn.
Creativity in Transition | Part of the fifth annual “Lexus Art Series: Art & Innovation Talks by Whitewall with Design Miami/”
Michelle Millar Fisher, Co-Curator and Co-Author of Designing Motherhood /
Lora Appleton, Founder of Kinder Modern /
Isolde Brielmaier, Curator and Author of Culture as Catalyst /
Click here to watch the full conversation
Friday, October 16th, 2020: The Power of Visibly Parenting in the Art World at The (online) Art World Conference. An open discussion about what parenthood looks like for each of us right now—the highs, the lows, and the impact it's having both professionally and personally.
Wednesday, September 30th, 2020: HELLO ART MAMAS!
Since April, we’ve hosted an intimate Art Mamas group online. Every week, we held space for each other—connecting, sharing, listening, and supporting through the compounded crises of 2020.
This fall, we are extending this group to a larger community, via monthly Zoom conversations. There is power in acknowledging our existence as parents in creative spaces.
We launch this new series with the incredible Tiana Webb Evans. Tiana is the founder of ESP Group, a brand strategy and communications consultancy supporting international clients across art, design, and hospitality industries. She is also the founder of Yard Concept, an elevation platform focused on multi-layered cultural engagement and cultivating critical consciousness. Tiana is mom to three teenagers.
Art Mamas: Helen Toomer, Tiana Webb Evans, Katy Donoghue.